The apostle Paul tells us that Christ has given pastors and teachers to His church to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). We seek to be faithful to this charge by offering classes that equip our church family with the fundamental doctrines of the faith and how to effectively proclaim the gospel.

God created men to reflect God's goodness, glory, power and wisdom. The Men's Ministry at McMinville Christian Faith Center is discovering the joy and adventure of what that is all about. We would love to have you join us on the journey. The mission of the Men’s Ministry at MCFC is to build men as passionate lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.
Check out the event calendar for our latest Men's meeting, breakfast, retreat and special services.

Life is a journey of spiritual growth involving different seasons of life. Our ministry is full of women in different phases and stages. Women’s Ministry is designed to connect, assist, and join women on their journey of self-discovery and meaningful relationship with the Lord. No matter who you are, or where you are, God has a plan for your journey and we have a place for you.